Produced by Ken Whiteley.
Recorded at Wayne Finucan Studios, Winnipeg
Engineer — John Schritt
And at Mid Ocean Recording, Winnipeg
Engineers —Craig Strong and Dave Zeglinski
*Recorded at Casa Wroxton Studio, Toronto
Engineers —Dave Gannett and Ken Whiteley
Mixed at Wellesley Sound, Toronto
Engineers —Roger Slemin and Scott Kennan
Musicians, Winnipeg
Ken Whiteley —Piano, Guitar, Mandolin, Dobro, Banjos, Accordian,
Washtub Bass, Bass Harmonica, Hammer, Saw, Rocks, Siren,
Percussion, Hammond Organ, Charango and Lap Steel
Gilles Fournier —Bass
Gord Osland —Drums
Glen Matthews —Percussion
Al Simmons —Banjo, Harmonica, Saw, Hammer, Axe, Rainstick and
Chicken Rack
Dave Lawton —Trumpet
Brian Epperson —Cello
Graham Townsend —Violin
Background Vocalists — Ken Whiteley, Fred Penner, Len Udow,
Danalee Pescitelli, Karl Simmons, Willy Simmons, Glen Matthews,
Tim Elias
Musicians, Toronto:
John Sheard —Piano
Bucky Berger —Druns
Vicotor Bateman —Bass
Chris Whiteley —Trumpet
Brigham Phillips —Trumpet
Laurie Bower —Trombone
Jim Galloway —Saxophone
Gordon Evans —Clarinet
Martin Vander Ven —Clarinet
Ben Mink —Violin
Cathryn Moses —Flute
Photo by: Gerry Kopelow
Go to Al’s website at
I dedicate this recording to Barb, Karl, Willy, Bradley, Mom,
Liz and Rob. Thanks for all the love, support and inspiration.
To Oma and opa, Ben and Ellen, and Lynn and Rod Johnston —Thenks
for being there when I needed you.
To Ken Whiteley, Fred Penner, Alicja Seaborn, Johathan Austman,
Mike Klym , Steve Bell, Bob King, Paul O’Neeill and Cathy Nosaty
—thanks for your artistic guidance.
To Gilles —Thanks for encouraging me to write more songs.
To Dianne, Ken, Gabrielle, Lisanne, Lori, Lorraine, Richard,
Murray, Laura and Tom —Thanks for all the hard work that made
this project possible.
Love, Al
P.S. Thanks to all you folks who realize that I make my living
making music and would never even think of copying this tape to
give to a friend.
© Al Simmons 2025