100 ml (1/2 cup) of unpopped popcorn
30 toothpicks
2 corks or 2 short pieces of 1" doweling
1 meter (3 ft.) or more of 3/4" ethafoam pipe insulation
1 funnel
Pipe insulation is available at any plumbing/hardware store. Push a toothpick through the foam until it pokes out the other side. Do the same with all the rest of the toothpicks so that they are evenly spaced the full length of the tube. Use the cork or doweling to plug one end and put the funnel into the other end of the tube. Pour the popcorn kernels into the tube through the funnel. Take out the funnel and put a cork into the hole. When you tip the tube back and forth the kernels of corn bump into the toothpicks and sound like a rainstorm.
© Al Simmons 2025